Monday, 5 May 2014

Stars Post

Hello once again, we are Raquel and Blanca, the stars of our group. We must say that today, at the beginning of the class, Linda (our teacher) told to the stars of every group to leave the class. Then, she said that the task of the day was to create a broad school. She also told us that the stars had to be directive, less care or democratic. In these different types of personalities of being in charge of a school, we had to be directive.

When we arrived to the classroom, we told to the rest of our group what we had to do. We had to do a broad school and then explain to the whole class how it will be. We gave a lot of orders to our classmates and they became a bit angry because of that. Finally, they told us that they preferred to be more democratic and take into account the opinion of every person of the group and not only the one of the stars.

Linda also told us that in the presentation of the broad school, the stars had to choose two people of our group to present the task. Then, we decided that Esmeralda and Rosana do that.

Our broad school was the following one:

It is a bilingual school whose name is “Ágora”. It is composed by: one headmaster, one director of studies, one representative of town hall, one pedagogist and one psychologist. In the school, it will be 340 students of Primary Education (from 6 to 12 years), 20 teachers of the different subjects and 2 support teachers. The time table will be from 9 am. to 14 pm. with a break will be of half an hour. It will have a dining hall where the people of the school foster healthy habits. In the school will be activities in the afternoon such as technology, dance, football, jockey, tennis and swimming and travels, for example to museums or to a summer bilingual camp in holidays. The competences are: approval and evaluation of the educational project, participation on the selection of the headmaster, decide about the students’ admission, value of the center running and decide about the scholar system and evaluation of the student’s performance.

To sum up, we think that this activity has helped us to understand how are the different kinds of personalities of the people that are in charge of schools. When all the class talk about the reactions of the members of the groups, we realized that the best type of personality is the democratic one, because every person of the group can give his/her opinion.

See you soon!!

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