Friday, 28 February 2014

Analyst post

Hello, I'm Raquel and this week I'm the analyst of my group, as all of you should know my work consist on evaluate the work of my hole group and I have to put a mark to each member of my group, I also have to answer some questions.

If I think about the work that we have done this week, I can say I'm very happy and proud with each member of my group as well, because we have work very hard, making the slide shows, thinking on the topic about we were going to speak, looking for the photos to put in each slide show and so on.

On the one hand, I strongly believe that the best part of the activity was when we did the slide show about floating and sinking, because as we have studied in psychology of development, children have specific needs in each age, so we had to think how to do it in the better way to explain to the students, at the beginning we decided very fast how to do it, however, we changed our methodology a lot of times to improve it, at the end, as far as I concerned it was very interesting, dynamic, and it is clearly the better way in order to the children can understand very well what it is. Because we, as teachers in our future, will have to work very hard to prepare our class, to teach in the better way, to caught the student's attention and to be a little better everyday. In the same way, I think that there isn't a worse part of the activity because I have learned with each thing that I have done this week.

On the other hand, the worse moment of the week was when we did the storyboard to show it to Linda and to ask her if it was a good slide show, and she told us that we should change it and also that we should be more specific. In that moment we can't believe it, because we though that our slide show was very well done, we were working hard in it, therefor, it was clear that we should improve it in some aspect so, from our point of view it help us to see that is better to explain a general topic throughout a division in concrete topics, for example a concrete topic about water is floating and sinking. As we studied in Planning and also as we are studying here, we have to listen and value the critics of others to improve like teachers everyday, so we listened and value Linda's critic to improve our work. Because, if we don't listen these critics in our future as teachers we won't be able to improve. In the other way, the best moment of the week was when our stars did the presentation about floating and sinking, because we realize that our decision was right, because the slide show was very dynamic and beautiful and it was what we wanted to show. We wanted to show a good form to teach to the student, explaining this topic to show our classmates how we would explain it to our students.

This week has been very interesting, because we have learned a lot of things, first of all, we have learned how to do a good slide show step by step. We though that we knew how to do it, however, now we can do a good slide show. It knowledge is really useful for our degree, in which we have to do a lot of slide shows, and we will need it in our future as teacher because as we have seen with this activity it's easier to teach children throughout this method. Besides, we have learned what is creative common and how to use it.

In sum, I think that for the next week we should conserve these knowledge and our good relationship as a group, because it's the main thing to work in group, we also have to keep working hard.

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