Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Mercedes Ruiz's class

Hello everyone! On Monday we had a very special visit in our #SOyER1314 class, Mercedes Ruiz (@londones). She demonstrated us how is possible teach the children in a very different way as the usual. 
As resource, she used just a skirt, gloves and a hat, with this she told a story, it was very interesting. With the gloves, one blue and one red, she explained the reality of our country and the political situation in it. We liked too much her class, we realized that the teacher is also a story-teller and she has to innovate other ways of teaching in order to do dynamic classes and motivate their children. After she sent us a funny task, we really enjoyed doing it,we took a photo outside the class and chose a slogan for it. 
Our slogan was ‘Together for the same  goal’, we think is important to work in groups and support in others, mainly with all have the same goal, in our case, being teachers.
Here, you have some photos about the making off:


Mercedes also explained us that a teacher has to know how to work without text books, just use it like an extra help, not focus their lessons on it, the students only learn from a point of view with it, and no think by themselves, just memorise for the exam and after, they forget all the knowledge learned.

To finish, we want to say thanks to Mercedes Ruiz for her lesson, we will never forget it, she helped us a lot to open our mind and understand the necessity of being good teachers and professionals in our work. Also we want to say thanks to our teacher Linda for bring us this opportunity, it was fantastic and very useful for us.

Best regards. 


  1. Emocionante manera de compartir una sesión UBUNTU :-))

    Do you remember Helen Simons? This the book

    Lady Díriga, dáriga, dóriga, trompa pitáriga

  2. Nos sentimos agradecidas de que te haya gustado nuestro post y de haber aprendido tanto con tu clase. ¡Fue corta, pero efectiva!
    Te prometemos que echaremos un vistazo al libro.

  3. Enhorabuena por el trabajo realizado y la experiencia tenida con Mercedes, los Blogmaníaco y Conchita. Si quieren saber más sobre todos ellos, miren este psot.

  4. Gracias por la felicitación, con Mercedes pudimos ver que los maestros son la clave para el futuro de los niños y por tanto de nuestro país.
    Un saludo
