Monday, 31 March 2014

Differences between LOE and LOMCE

Hello everyone! 
This week we have started with the part of this subject called, ‘’School Organization’’. So, during these five weeks we have to developed this work which is based on the Educational System in Spain, this week the winners of the game will have a price, 1,5 plus in the portfolio, for the first winner, and 1 plus for the second winner. This first week we have worked with two laws, LOE which was the previous law and LOMCE which is the current. We have known better the laws, LOMCE didn´t change all the aspects which were in the LOE at all, but it does some changes for example in the part of administration schools have more autonomy in order to elaborate their curriculum. Also about the previous law, LOE, we have studied the differences between them and also we have studied some things which have not changed respect to the topics.
To show these changes, we have had to do two conceptual maps about our topics, Linda sent us some basic tips, and there she wrote each group and two of the topics which we had to do. Our topics were number 3, organization of primary school and number 6 administration and governance at local and/or institutional level II, below of there appeared the main aspects which we had to treated in our conceptual maps.
According to this, the stars of each group had to present the conceptual maps in class. In the presentation we have to evaluate all the conceptual maps and only two groups can win, and that group will have their prices.
But in the class of Monday was different for our group because we were divided in two and some of us went with “Hide and Sick” and other with “Give me 7”. While other group had to evaluate other conceptual maps about a topic we had to be supervisors, this means that we have to see that they evaluated other conceptual maps in an objective way. Some of us treated one of our topic, organization of primary school, but on the other hand, the other members had to evaluate other topic, the primary school, which we didn´t know very well, despite of this we learnt some aspects of this new topic because we were awake to evaluate three of the conceptual maps. In short, half of our group were the supervisors of "Give me 7" and the other part made a global conceptual map with "Hide and Sick" about the Organization of Primary Education. Here you can see it:

We have done a big effort to do two conceptual maps clear and beautiful because the groups which reach this prize will have easier in the exam and they can be more relaxed.
To make our conceptual maps we used the next web page 2.0 which had all the tools which we wanted to use and it was adapted to our desires.: ExamTime.

Here we show you our conceptual maps, we chose fun colors, red and green to make them, red color to number 6, administration and governance at local and/or institutional level II and green to number 3, organization of primary school.

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