Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Journalist Post

Hello!! I am Raquel and this week I am the journalist of my group, ‘’The LittleAnts’’. I am going to tell you the story about our work during this week.

On the first day, we didn’t know very well what we had to do, because Linda explains the task every week, and with this explanation we can have an idea about it. However, we have to decide how we can do our work in the best way and once we have chosen it, we should decide the tools that we can use. So, first of all, we were discussing about it, and finally we decided to make a comic to show our work, because we think that it is a good way to send this message about textbooks.

In addition, we decided about what the message of our comic would be, and we wrote the dialogues between the characters of the comic. We were also looking for some photos with creative common licenses on flickr to make our comic, although we found some photos, we really thought that it would be better if we took our own photos, or in this case to make our own drawings and then digitize and upload them to flickr to achieve exactly what we wanted.

On the second day, as I have just said, we thought about the possibility of making our own drawings and digitizing and uploading them to flickr, so on the second day we made all drawings that we needed and upload it to flickr. We were exploring about the tools that we could use to make our comic online, we tried different ways; however, we didn’t know how to do it. So we didn’t do it online, we carried out both comics, the first one in English and the second one in Spanish. We knew that probably we would have to change it, but we couldn’t do anything.

One the third day, the first thing that we did was to show our work to Linda, because we knew that we should do it online, and as we imagined Linda told us that we couldn’t show our work in this way because we had to do it online. Because of that, we had to change our hole work, the first time in English and the second time in Spanish.

On the fourth day our starts showed our work.

Although we had worked twice, now we are very happy, because we have done our work in the correct way, and as far as I’m concerned it has been a nice and interesting experience, because we know these things about textbooks, however, we ignore it in our daily life and when we reflect on it, as we have done with this task. We really realize that there are more resources, that teachers are doing a bad use of textbooks and that they base their classes on them, and we have to change it. We have to fight against this power of editorials and the politicals ideas which are represented on textbooks, we have to achieve an education based on the power of the teacher’s methodology, on their ideas to use different resources to interact with their students and also to get that they learn on their own.

I have also commented in our twiter about the task and finally, I have commented in a blog of my classmates, in the Brain Storming's blog,

and in another blog that I have found, which is really interesting, and also it talks exactly about the same aspects of our task of this week.

1 comment:

  1. We had a look in the blog and we watched the videos!!
    We thought in the good times in your class!
    Mercedes, here you can watch our video with moovly about our knowledge during the semester!

    Thank you
