Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Analist post

Hello! I am María Dolores, the analyst this week, here I show my work.

What was the best part of the activity? The best part in this second task was that we have learnt that in the past there were people who had different thoughts on how was the world, Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal showed us their projections and their visions of the Earth in different ways. Also we could have seen the impact which has the media on children and the importance of children to distinct between reality and fiction.  Finally, this weekend we have learnt which a “treasure hunt” is; this is useful to teach children in a fun way.

What was the worse? When we arrived on Monday and teacher told us that we had to do another activity, we have to recognize that, at first, we were impacted. But finally, we realized that this was useful for us because we share our work with other member of other groups who had the same role as each member. So, this helped us to understand different point of view of different parts of this task.

What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? The best moment this week was when we compared the different projections, this was interesting. But the most was when we considered the activity which we could teach to children about treasure hunt. We said different activities and it was funny.

What was the worse?  We had some problems to know what treasure hunt was because we didn´t find the definition, and each members of my group said different things. But finally we saw some examples on the internet and we understood it better.

What have you learn? We have learnt the different point of view of each man, Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal on how they saw the world. It´s interesting see that some countries are different from actual maps which are habitual for us. Also, the big impact of media on children and how can it influence them, for this reason they should distinct between the reality and fiction. Finally, we have learnt what a treasure hunt is; this is a fun way to teach children some content.

What do you need to conserve –as a group- for next weeks? We need to conserve the cooperation which we have, we work very well together and we have rarely had an argument, I think that this is so important to reach a good work.

What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks? May be, the organization is one of the things which we have to improve because sometimes one of us start with a thing which other member have to do.

How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree?   This course we won´t see anything related with geography but, next year we are going to study a subject relevant with this, so there we may see something related with this three projections. One thing which I have studied in sociology of education was the impact of mass media on children there; we learnt that TV is one of the most important.

There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics…)?

Here I can connect this content with a politic aspect, for example: in three projections we can see that some countries are bigger than other, the cause can be because the author wanted to stand out some important countries.

Another social connection, is the impact of media in children, they see TV and other mass media which can influence their behavior: as we said on Monday “Sponge Bob” is an important character for them. In other kind of programs is important that children learn to distinct between reality and fiction because in some cases the violence is so common.

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