Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Translator Post.

Hello everyone!! I am Raquel and I have been the translator of my group this week, as all of you know, the translator have to choose five key words about the work that we have done, It has to include the definition of each concept with my own words and based on academic resources. This week we have done two cmaps about the actual law of education LOMCE, of course to do this cmaps we have reviewed the last law LOE.

  1. Cmap (Conceptual map): It is a grafic representation of knowledge which consist on a network of concepts which are connecting each other, the relationshipos between these concepts are the arrows. It is a form of structure the knwoledge to study and to have it more clear.

  1. LOE: It was an educational law, the previous law before the LOMCE, which organized all the educational system's functions, including the teachings, the teachers framework, the schools, their inspection, the economy, etc. Providing an important role in to the attention to student diversity. It was approved officially in 2006 when it was of obligated fulfillment.

  1. LOMCE: It is an education law which have modified the last education law, LOE, but it do not change it at all. It is known popularly as Wert Law but it is abbreviate as LOMCE. As I have said before it is only a modification of the last law called LOE, so it also organized all the educational system's functions, including the same things as the other but with the modifications.

  1. Organization: It is an instrument which organize those with you work. In conclusion, organization is a form of organize a system to get the whised results. There are a lot of kind of organization, but in this case we talk about school organization, and it is based on how school is organized, the relationship between teachers, students and so on. In the same way a school organization can exist only when there people who are capable to work together in an organize form to get a common objective.

  1. Administration: It is an action to administrar o gestionar people, companies, resources and so on to get targeted. This concept refer to the structure, the operation and the performance of those organization which are being administered.

Finally, I would like to say that with this task we have learned several things, we have learned how to organize the information that we have, we have learned to do a cmap and also that we have several tools to do it online. And finally, although we are not expert in this laws, after this taks we know a few more about them. We have enjoyed a lot doing this cmaps, I hope you enjoy it!!
see you soon!

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