Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Stars Post

Hello everyone! We are María and Alba, the stars of these weeks of The Little Ants and we want to show you our conceptual maps. First of all, we have to say that we decided to do a very complex map with related concepts in order to show all the ideas reflected in the documents about the current law of education LOMCE and its changes respect the previous one, LOE.

Each group has to work in two different topics respects LOMCE and its changes. Our topics were the Organization of Primary Education and Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II.

In our conceptual map about the Organization of Primary Education we showed from the organization of the school year, the classes per day students have, the differences of admission requirement among private and public schools, the geographical accessibility, to the role of tutors, how them oriented their students, the addition of a second foreign language with the LOMCE… This work has helped us to understand better the reality of schools nowadays, how they work, and also the adaptations to the students’ necessities.

Our second topic was based on “Educational administration and governance”. We have divided our mindmap in two areas. The permanencies and the changes.

The first point is based on on the curricula. We want to explain that the original curricula emerge from the state, then it pases to the authonomous communities and finally it arrives to schools. Along this process, the curricula suffers a Our second topic was based on “Educational administration and governance”. We have divided our mindmap in two areas. The permanencies and the changes.

-          On the first hand, inside the permanencies we find a very important topic through which develops the rest of the points, Educational Institutions.

The first point is based lot of changes, so we can deduce that it deteriorates somewhat.

The second point mentions the areas of educational institutions, which are pedagogical and curricular organization, organizational management and management of resources. In addition, educational institutions can induce experiments, forms of organization and working plans (this is the third aspect).

Then, we find that educational institutions have The School Board and The Teachers Assembly.

 Finally, the three following points explains the plans of schools (values, objectives, etc.).

-          On the second hand we find the main changes. We illustrate school autonomy, which develop pedagogical resources and the changes in the curriculum (common contents, different teachings and minimum teaching ) and the influence of government.

Last Monday, the day of the exposition, we had to work with other teams and supervise that they put their marks correctly; we really enjoyed working with Give me 7. We thought they did a very good work in their conceptual maps so we let them to mark their own work very high.

This week we had learned many necessary things for us when we become teachers, and we want to continue learning. We are encouraged to work very hard; it is the only way to reach our goals!

Best regards.

By: María Mula Pérez and Alba María Velasco Martínez


  1. Thanks for your help!. It's a shame that we could not see your concept map in class and also qualify it. Seeing the photos, it seems very informative, and we love its design!. Thanks for all and keep up the good work.

  2. Thank you very much! We were delighted to help you as supervisors!
    Thanks a lot for evaluating our work!
    See you!
