Hi readers!
I'm Esmeralda, the journalist of this week. This is an interactive role which
consists of collecting some photos and commenting other interesting blogs
related to the topic we are working on. While the members of the group are talking
about the ideas, planning how to carry on the new task or doing the mind map, I
have to take photos of that process.
I have also
commented on one blog from people of the class, and other blog from outside the
class. Si here you can see the comments:
This one is
from the blog of Hide & Seek:
This second
comment is posted in a blog from another student. He posts his reflections and
thoughts about his classes on his personal blog and I have found interesting
his viewpoint of the topic:
Also, here it is the link of Pablo's blog:
And here
you can see some photos of our work during this week:
On 26st of March, the group started to organize the ideas of how to carry on the new task of the week. We started to read the instructions of the task in class and this afternoon we worked on the two topics.
On 27st of March, we continued working on
class and we started to make the comparisons between the actual educational law
(LOMCE) and the previous one (LOE). We decided to divide the work in order to find more information easily.

On 28st of March, we organized the ideas
on the concept map. Firstly, we did it in a draft and then, we did it on
Examtime, the tool that we chose to do the concept map.

On 31st of March, we worked with Hide & Seek and with GiveMe7 unifying the concept map of each topic and putting marks to the different concept map of the groups.

As a
result, I have enjoyed very much this role because it is more interactive than
the others. I have taken different photos and I have worked with people of other
group which was really interesting. We
shared our different points of view about the topic and we made together a
concept map summarizing the information of the different concept map that we
We tried to
do the task carefully and we put a lot of effort on it. We tried to understand
the law and we tried to synthesize all the aspects in an easy way.
See you!
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