Thursday, 10 April 2014

Stars Post

Hello, dear readers!!! We are Esmeralda and Blanca. Today in class we have to vote from 0 to 10 the different aspects that we have to take into account for evaluating the questions of the changes between LOE and LOMCE.

Us, “The Little Ants” with the assistance of the group “Give me 7” as supervisors, had to mark the questions of all the groups of the Topic one: “An Overview of the Educational System”.
The questions we have to evaluate were:

C'mon Tutankamon:
-        What are the two features that the Educational System needs to combine?
-        The Spanish Education offer Specialised Education, inside Specialized Education, what subjects appear?
-        Basic Education is divided in...?
-        How many types of provision there are in the Educational System?

-        Can you "repeat" grades in the "ESO"? In which grades and how many times?
-        What is needed to access the "basic training cycles"?
-        Can you "repeat" grades in primary education? In which grades and how many times?
-        Are the two cycles of primary education free? Why?

Step by Step:
-        What are the main objectives in the Primary Education System, according to LOE and LOMCE?
-        Once we have finished ESO, what options have we to continue studying?
-        If you are less than 14 years old, what do you need to access to the intermediate level of language part in Upper Secondary Education? And if you are over than 16 years old?
-        If my father, who is 45 years old, wants to study, what kind of school could he go?

Education Rush Hour:
-        What can a student who gets the Lower Compulsory Education Certificate do?
-        Why can we go from training to employment and vice versa?
-        Apart of the 5 principle studies the Spanish Education System provides, What three types of Specialized education offer the Spanish Education system?
-        What kind of autonomy does school have?

Give me 7:
-        What percentage of knowledge does the government set to maintain the common training throughout the national territory?
-        What two core competences are evaluated in the diagnostic test that is completed at the end of the third year of Primary Education?
-        What subjects are relevant for the average mark of Primary Education, that weren't in the previous law?
-        A 12 year old boy has failed all his exams and had to repeat the year. Can this child receive a scholarship? Why?

The Little Ants:
-        After what degree of education you obtain your first official certificate?
-        In which two main principles focus the law the quality of school?
-        What two possibilities offer Upper Secondary Education?
-        Apart of these studies: Pre-Primary Education, Basic Education, Upper Secondary Education, which more offer the Educational System?

The Teachleaders:
-        At what age can the adult education and training start?
-        The Upper Secondary Education is provided by secondary schools, what are the possibilities that you can choose?
-        We know that one of the characteristics of the Spanish Educational System is the flexibility. So, what does it means leaving the theoretical framework of lifelong fixed by Spanish Educational System?
-        If you finish the provision of the Spanish Educational System, including masters and doctorates, can you follow the studies?

-        How could the LOMCE face up a disadvantaged school where there is a wide diversity of students?
-        Is a seventeen years-old student able to access to the adult education, according to the LOMCE? Explain why or why not.
-        According to the LOMCE, is all the education free until the bachelor?
-        According to LOMCE if you have the Lower Compulsory Secondary Education certificate what do you need to access to Advanced vocational training?

Hide & Seek:
-        What are the most important features of the Educational System? Describe what the Educational Authorities want with these characteristics. 
-        What are the basic competences of primary education?
-        Who supervises the schools?
-        Apart from Upper Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Adult Education, what type of training can I do after Basic Education?

To sum up, we must say that in spite of having little time to evaluate the questions, we think we have chosen them right.


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