Sunday, 13 April 2014

Journalist's post.

Hello! I'm Rosana and this week I have had the journalist's role.

The first day that we met, we started reading the different topics. When we read one topic, we thought in some questions that we could do. 

In this way, we were able to make note of the main things that we wanted to highlight.

Fortunately, we only had to meet twice. So the second time we met, we could do all the questions. Each member of the group contributed with different ideas, and in this way, it was very easy choose the questions that we wanted do.

When we had all the questions ready, we read everything in order to sure that it was okay.

Finally, we went to the class on Thursday and we had to evaluate the cards of our classmates, with the collaboration of 'Give me 7'. In this photos, it's reflecting how each member gave his point of view and all together we could decide the scores that we thought more adecuate.


To sum up, I would like to say that for me it have been a pleasure to be a journalist, because I love photography, so it was a nice week to me and I'm very happy with my group. Thank you, and best regards.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Analyst Post

Hello everyone! I'm Alba, the Analyst of this week. And as you know I have to put the marks of my partners. I had really enjoyed my task because I didn't have any problem with any of them, so I put them very good marks because they deserved it. We worked very well together and for this task we had only a few difficulties printing the cards, but we solved it immediately.

The task of this week was doing questions about the LOMCE according to the conceptual maps done the previous week, and once you had the questions, put them in cards.  We met one time and because this work was easy to divide, we did the rest of the task separately. We worked by couples and divided the topics. Although this can be seen as an easy task, we wanted to make very good questions, so we spent many time doing it.

The best part of the activity for us was correcting the cards with Give me 7 and voting our classmates's cards. We really enjoyed seeing their work and learning from their questions.

For us, the worst part was printing the cards because we had a little problem with the size, but we solved it very quickly.

We have learnt many things about the LOMCE, LOE and the changes between the two laws. I consider very useful to know about the subjects, the role of teachers, the autonomy of schools and so on.

We have to conserve that we work very well together, and we do not have many problems among us, and it is important to continue working in this way.

Although I think that we work well, for me we have to improve that in determined moments, we are a bit stressed beacuse we have too much work and we do not know what to do, we have to learn how to keep calm.

Evidently, this content is very related to many things in this course, specially with the part of the curriculum of the subject 'Planificación de la Acción Educativa' but in general it is related with most of our subjects.

Of course there are many social connections with the politic of our country nowadays, beacuse LOMCE is a very recent law and like everythings, it is being very controversial and critized by the citizens, so it is essential to know it closer.

In my opinion, it is being a very good experience for learning more things about the current law in education and the running of spanish schools nowadays. Something essential for us when we become teachers. All the groups are working very hard, and I have to recognize that after all, we are a bit afraid of this game, but we know that with effort and work we can reach it! We are very motivated to keep on working and learning. 

Best regards

Friday, 11 April 2014

Curator-farmer Post

Curator-farmer Post:Raquel Lorenzo Franco.

Hello everyone! I am Raquel, this week I am the curator farmer of my group ''The littleAnts''. The work which we have done this week consist on make 24 questions and answers of each topic from the cmaps that our classmates did last week, based on the LOMCE.
I have done a pearltree to sum this work, because as you know the curator farmer is the person who must do it and also who has to put all the references that the group have used to do the task.
So here you are the reference of the pearltree:

And also here you are the references that we have used to do the questions:

  1. BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado). Martes 10 de Diciembre del 2013. (Núm. 295. Sec. I. Pág.
  2. CCOO Enseñanza. ¿Cómo será el nuevo sistema educativo LOMCE? (Diciembre del 2013)
  3. Comparación LOMCE-LOE. Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de Mayo.

I would like to say that with this task we have learned a lot of things from LOMCE, although we are not specialist in this topic, now we know a few more about it.

Facilitator - María Mula Pérez

Hi everyone! I´m María and this week I have the Facilitator role. As we know, the last week our task was to investigate about permanencies and differences between LOE and LOMCE and all related with educational system according to this. Linda, our teacher, gave us six topics with the most information we needed. We had to realize a “mind-map” to remark the main ideas and the most important aspects. Finally, in class everybody worked together to elaborate a complex map with the ideas each group had extracted.

This week the activity is the second step of the last week. Now, we had to develop some questions basing on these mind-maps. The condition was these questions wasn´t very obvious or easy, because the next activity will be to realize a “game”, in which the stars of each group are going to participate. The winner will be who was able to answer every question, and the reward will be a white letter for the exam!

To elaborate our questions, we divided ourselves in pairs or three persons group:
-          - Esmeralda and Blanca have been the responsible to develop the two and three topics questions.
-          - On the second hand, Raquel and Rosana have taken of four and five topics questions.
-         -  And finally, Alba, María Dolores and me have elaborated the first and the last (six) topics questions.

This morning we have collected the questions of every group in the following way: we have put all our questions in order piling up in six groups, which correspond with the six paragraphs our teacher gave us the last week. Then, each pile or topic has been delivered to each group, and the three remaining groups have been the supervisors. We have chosen eight question of everyone, and these will be the representatives of the topic one.

After holidays we will have the game! Good luck everyone!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Translator Post

Hello everyone! I am Maria Dolores, the translator this week in my group.
For this task, we had to choose four questions of the six topics which Linda sent us. These topics are about the changes in the last law of education, LOE and the current, LOMCE. The week before, each group did a conceptual map and then, we uploaded a complete conceptual map with the ideas of each group. Through these conceptual maps we choose four questions of each topic. According to this, the 5 most important terms that I have learnt on the week are this:
Law, it is a regulation applicable to the people by some authority. If someone breaks the law, he or she would punishment by judicial decision. Through the correct laws a country would become organized in a good way.
Education, it is a form of learning, here the skills, knowledge and habits are transmitted through teaching. Education usually is transferred by someone, but in other occasion we can learn by ourselves. Education is divided in different stages: preschool, primary school, secondary school and finally the college, university or apprenticeship.
Questionnaire is an instrument which is used to make a series of questions; the purpose is to know the kind information which we want to get. Many times is used to know the knowledge of people, for example, the exams of students.
Question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression. The information requested may be provided in the form of an answer.
Answer is a reply to a question or is a solution or a response that is relevant to the said question. An answer is an assertion in opposition to someone or something.

To conclude, I have to say that in this task we have learnt more about each topic, because in the last week we only did two conceptual maps of two topics. However, this week we have to read the six topics to extract the perfect question with the correct answer, so now, we know more about the changes between LOE and LOMCE.    

Stars Post

Hello, dear readers!!! We are Esmeralda and Blanca. Today in class we have to vote from 0 to 10 the different aspects that we have to take into account for evaluating the questions of the changes between LOE and LOMCE.

Us, “The Little Ants” with the assistance of the group “Give me 7” as supervisors, had to mark the questions of all the groups of the Topic one: “An Overview of the Educational System”.
The questions we have to evaluate were:

C'mon Tutankamon:
-        What are the two features that the Educational System needs to combine?
-        The Spanish Education offer Specialised Education, inside Specialized Education, what subjects appear?
-        Basic Education is divided in...?
-        How many types of provision there are in the Educational System?

-        Can you "repeat" grades in the "ESO"? In which grades and how many times?
-        What is needed to access the "basic training cycles"?
-        Can you "repeat" grades in primary education? In which grades and how many times?
-        Are the two cycles of primary education free? Why?

Step by Step:
-        What are the main objectives in the Primary Education System, according to LOE and LOMCE?
-        Once we have finished ESO, what options have we to continue studying?
-        If you are less than 14 years old, what do you need to access to the intermediate level of language part in Upper Secondary Education? And if you are over than 16 years old?
-        If my father, who is 45 years old, wants to study, what kind of school could he go?

Education Rush Hour:
-        What can a student who gets the Lower Compulsory Education Certificate do?
-        Why can we go from training to employment and vice versa?
-        Apart of the 5 principle studies the Spanish Education System provides, What three types of Specialized education offer the Spanish Education system?
-        What kind of autonomy does school have?

Give me 7:
-        What percentage of knowledge does the government set to maintain the common training throughout the national territory?
-        What two core competences are evaluated in the diagnostic test that is completed at the end of the third year of Primary Education?
-        What subjects are relevant for the average mark of Primary Education, that weren't in the previous law?
-        A 12 year old boy has failed all his exams and had to repeat the year. Can this child receive a scholarship? Why?

The Little Ants:
-        After what degree of education you obtain your first official certificate?
-        In which two main principles focus the law the quality of school?
-        What two possibilities offer Upper Secondary Education?
-        Apart of these studies: Pre-Primary Education, Basic Education, Upper Secondary Education, which more offer the Educational System?

The Teachleaders:
-        At what age can the adult education and training start?
-        The Upper Secondary Education is provided by secondary schools, what are the possibilities that you can choose?
-        We know that one of the characteristics of the Spanish Educational System is the flexibility. So, what does it means leaving the theoretical framework of lifelong fixed by Spanish Educational System?
-        If you finish the provision of the Spanish Educational System, including masters and doctorates, can you follow the studies?

-        How could the LOMCE face up a disadvantaged school where there is a wide diversity of students?
-        Is a seventeen years-old student able to access to the adult education, according to the LOMCE? Explain why or why not.
-        According to the LOMCE, is all the education free until the bachelor?
-        According to LOMCE if you have the Lower Compulsory Secondary Education certificate what do you need to access to Advanced vocational training?

Hide & Seek:
-        What are the most important features of the Educational System? Describe what the Educational Authorities want with these characteristics. 
-        What are the basic competences of primary education?
-        Who supervises the schools?
-        Apart from Upper Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Adult Education, what type of training can I do after Basic Education?

To sum up, we must say that in spite of having little time to evaluate the questions, we think we have chosen them right.


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Stars Post

Hello everyone! We are María and Alba, the stars of these weeks of The Little Ants and we want to show you our conceptual maps. First of all, we have to say that we decided to do a very complex map with related concepts in order to show all the ideas reflected in the documents about the current law of education LOMCE and its changes respect the previous one, LOE.

Each group has to work in two different topics respects LOMCE and its changes. Our topics were the Organization of Primary Education and Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II.

In our conceptual map about the Organization of Primary Education we showed from the organization of the school year, the classes per day students have, the differences of admission requirement among private and public schools, the geographical accessibility, to the role of tutors, how them oriented their students, the addition of a second foreign language with the LOMCE… This work has helped us to understand better the reality of schools nowadays, how they work, and also the adaptations to the students’ necessities.

Our second topic was based on “Educational administration and governance”. We have divided our mindmap in two areas. The permanencies and the changes.

The first point is based on on the curricula. We want to explain that the original curricula emerge from the state, then it pases to the authonomous communities and finally it arrives to schools. Along this process, the curricula suffers a Our second topic was based on “Educational administration and governance”. We have divided our mindmap in two areas. The permanencies and the changes.

-          On the first hand, inside the permanencies we find a very important topic through which develops the rest of the points, Educational Institutions.

The first point is based lot of changes, so we can deduce that it deteriorates somewhat.

The second point mentions the areas of educational institutions, which are pedagogical and curricular organization, organizational management and management of resources. In addition, educational institutions can induce experiments, forms of organization and working plans (this is the third aspect).

Then, we find that educational institutions have The School Board and The Teachers Assembly.

 Finally, the three following points explains the plans of schools (values, objectives, etc.).

-          On the second hand we find the main changes. We illustrate school autonomy, which develop pedagogical resources and the changes in the curriculum (common contents, different teachings and minimum teaching ) and the influence of government.

Last Monday, the day of the exposition, we had to work with other teams and supervise that they put their marks correctly; we really enjoyed working with Give me 7. We thought they did a very good work in their conceptual maps so we let them to mark their own work very high.

This week we had learned many necessary things for us when we become teachers, and we want to continue learning. We are encouraged to work very hard; it is the only way to reach our goals!

Best regards.

By: María Mula Pérez and Alba María Velasco Martínez

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Translator Post.

Hello everyone!! I am Raquel and I have been the translator of my group this week, as all of you know, the translator have to choose five key words about the work that we have done, It has to include the definition of each concept with my own words and based on academic resources. This week we have done two cmaps about the actual law of education LOMCE, of course to do this cmaps we have reviewed the last law LOE.

  1. Cmap (Conceptual map): It is a grafic representation of knowledge which consist on a network of concepts which are connecting each other, the relationshipos between these concepts are the arrows. It is a form of structure the knwoledge to study and to have it more clear.

  1. LOE: It was an educational law, the previous law before the LOMCE, which organized all the educational system's functions, including the teachings, the teachers framework, the schools, their inspection, the economy, etc. Providing an important role in to the attention to student diversity. It was approved officially in 2006 when it was of obligated fulfillment.

  1. LOMCE: It is an education law which have modified the last education law, LOE, but it do not change it at all. It is known popularly as Wert Law but it is abbreviate as LOMCE. As I have said before it is only a modification of the last law called LOE, so it also organized all the educational system's functions, including the same things as the other but with the modifications.

  1. Organization: It is an instrument which organize those with you work. In conclusion, organization is a form of organize a system to get the whised results. There are a lot of kind of organization, but in this case we talk about school organization, and it is based on how school is organized, the relationship between teachers, students and so on. In the same way a school organization can exist only when there people who are capable to work together in an organize form to get a common objective.

  1. Administration: It is an action to administrar o gestionar people, companies, resources and so on to get targeted. This concept refer to the structure, the operation and the performance of those organization which are being administered.

Finally, I would like to say that with this task we have learned several things, we have learned how to organize the information that we have, we have learned to do a cmap and also that we have several tools to do it online. And finally, although we are not expert in this laws, after this taks we know a few more about them. We have enjoyed a lot doing this cmaps, I hope you enjoy it!!
see you soon!

Curator-Farmer's Post.

Hello! I'm Rosana and this week I have had the Curator Farmer's role. This week we have done two conceptual maps about two different topics: 'Organization of Primary Education' and 'Educational Administration and Governance'. I have done the pearltree about it, and the reference of it is: 

Furthermore, I put here the references that we have used for this task:

1. BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado). Martes 10 de Diciembre del 2013. (Núm. 295. Sec. I. Pág. 97858)
2.  CCOO Enseñanza. ¿Cómo será el nuevo sistema educativo LOMCE? (Diciembre del 2013)
4. Comparación LOMCE-LOE. Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de Mayo.

To sum up, I would like to say that we have learned a lot of things while we've done the conceptual maps.

Facilitator Post

Hello, I am María Dolores, the facilitator this week, with this role I have to be on charge of the blog, for example answering the comment of people, also I have to organize the dynamic of the group, each member was on charge of one aspect of the activity. The activity this week was about the laws, LOE is the past education law and LOMCE is the current, our mission was to note the changes between them.
The roles of this week are the following:
·         Alba and María: they are the stars, but they didn´t have to present because, on Monday, we joined with other groups to complete one of the topic of the conceptual maps which each group had to do for the activity.
·         Esmeralda: journalist she took photos and she had to do a diary to show our work, also she had to comment to other blogs.
·         Blanca: she is the Analyst, she will show some aspects of the work of this week, good and bad experience, the problems in the group…
·         Rosana: curator-farmer she is on charge to do the pearl-tree and to note the references which we used to search information.  
·         Raquel: translator, she had to extract the five most important aspects of this task and definite them.
·         María Dolores: I am the facilitator, I show here my work.
This week we had to read the links which Linda put and then we had to explain the changes in LOE which is the past law in education and the current which is LOMCE. According to this when we read the topics which Linda sent us we divided our work, María and I had to extract the main aspects in the 6 topic, Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional level II, whereas Esmeralda, Blanca and Alba extract 3 topic, Organization on Primary School. Rosana and Raquel were looking some web 2.0 to make our conceptual maps and with the main aspects in the laws they were on charge to do the conceptual maps.
With this activity we have known better the laws about education and we can make our own opinions about what is more adequate and if the changes are correct for students.
In short, the work was essay to do because we work very well together. However, I have to recognize that at first we didn´t know exactly what we had to do and we fell overwhelmed but finally we read the links which Linda send us and we understood better. Once do the work we realized that was easier to do than we thought at first.

But this task hasn´t finished yet, this is one of the parts of the game, with the rest we are going to continue during the following weeks.

Journalist Post.

Hi readers! I'm Esmeralda, the journalist of this week. This is an interactive role which consists of collecting some photos and commenting other interesting blogs related to the topic we are working on.  While the members of the group are talking about the ideas, planning how to carry on the new task or doing the mind map, I have to take photos of that process.

I have also commented on one blog from people of the class, and other blog from outside the class. Si here you can see the comments:

This one is from the blog of Hide & Seek:

This second comment is posted in a blog from another student. He posts his reflections and thoughts about his classes on his personal blog and I have found interesting his viewpoint   of the topic:

Also, here it is the link of Pablo's blog:

And here you can see some photos of our work during this week:

On 26st of March, the group started to organize the ideas of how to carry on the new task of the week.  We started to read the instructions of the task in class and this afternoon we worked on the two topics. 

On 27st of March, we continued working on class and we started to make the comparisons between the actual educational law (LOMCE) and the previous one (LOE). We decided to divide the work in order to find more information easily.  


On 28st of March, we organized the ideas on the concept map. Firstly, we did it in a draft and then, we did it on Examtime, the tool that we chose to do the concept map.


On 31st of March, we worked with Hide & Seek and with GiveMe7 unifying the concept map of each topic and putting marks to the different concept map of the groups. 

As a result, I have enjoyed very much this role because it is more interactive than the others. I have taken different photos and I have worked with people of other group which was really interesting.  We shared our different points of view about the topic and we made together a concept map summarizing the information of the different concept map that we had.

We tried to do the task carefully and we put a lot of effort on it. We tried to understand the law and we tried to synthesize all the aspects in an easy way.  

See you!